Tsunami Warnings and Preparedness for Long Beach, WA USA
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What Is A Tsunami?
Tsunami (soo-NAH-mee): a Japanese word that means harbor wave; a sea
wave of local or distant origin that results from large-scale seafloor
displacements associated with large earthquakes, major submarine slides,
or exploding volcanic islands. Typically generated by seismic or volcanic
activity or by underwater landslides, a tsunami consists of a series of
high-energy waves that radiate outward like pond ripples from the area in
which the generating event occurred.
Not all earthquakes produce tsunamis. To generate a tsunami, an earthquake must occur underneath or near the ocean, be very large (approximately Richter magnitude 7 or greater), and create vertical movement of the sea floor. However, recent studies regarding the potential for a great Cascadia Subduction zone earthquake off the Washington, Oregon, and Northern California coastlines indicate the local tsunami waves may reach nearby coastal communities within minutes of the earthquake thereby giving little or no time to issue warnings.
How will I know if a Tsunami is coming?
- Check these Tsunami Warning agency web sites:
California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Alaska:
West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Center (WC/ATWC) tsunami warnings.
Tsunami.gov - Tsunami Messages issued in the past 7 days
Twitter: @NWS_NTWC NWS Tsunami Alerts - Twitter
Facebook: National Tsunami Warning Center - Facebook
Hawaii, and U.S. Territories within the Pacific Basin:
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) tsunami warnings.
Twitter: Pacific Tsunami Warning Center - Twitter
Facebook: Pacific Tsunami Warning Center - Facebook
- Pacific County:
The Pacific County Emergency Management Agency - PCEMA provides warnings to beach communities in Pacific County.
Web: Pacific County Emergency Management (PCEMA)
Twitter: @tsunamiscotty Pacific County Emergency Management Director Scott McDougall
Twitter: @PCEOCNews Pacific County EOC
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PCEMA
Anyone can search Twitter for info by going to www.twitter.com and searching #tsunami.
- Register your phone numbers with Pacific County to receive a call from the Pacific County Emergency Notification System by visiting Hyper-reach - Pacific County, WA.
Hyper-Reach will automatically call all landline numbers for Community and Severe Weather Alerts (including Tsunami Warnings), but will only call landlines for Weather Alerts if you sign them up. You need to sign up for any cell number.
- Own a NOAA Weather Radio for ALL Hazards alerts
NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards Be sure to program your radio to monitor the local transmitter for Pacific County KEC91 (SAME code 053049). Jack's county store in Ocean Park, WA has NOAA radios go check them out.
Community Weather Discussion
Join the Pacific County Facebook Group Eye of the Storm Pacific County
- Washington State:
Web: https://mil.wa.gov/ WA Emergency Management - Website
Twitter: @waEMD WA Emergency Management - Twitter
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WashEMD WA Emergency Management - Facebook
The WC/ATWC and PTWC may issue the following bulletins:
- Information: A message with information about an earthquake
that is not expected to generate a tsunami.
Action to take: For information only, no tsunami generated. - Advisory: An earthquake has occurred in the Pacific Basin, which
might generate a tsunami.
Action to take: Potential danger. Be prepared to take action. Be alert, listen to your weather radio or local emergency authorities. - Watch: A tsunami was or may have been generated, but is at
least two hours travel time to the area in Watch status.
Action to take: Possible strong and dangerous currents. Be alert, listen to your weather radio or local emergency authorities. - Warning: A tsunami was, or may have been generated, which could cause
damage; therefore, people in the warned area are strongly advised to evacuate.
Action to take: Danger! Run to higher ground. Follow emergency instructions. If you felt the ground shake, there could be little time to get to high ground.
If you're near a coastal beach, here are ways to know a tsunami may be imminent and you need to seek higher ground:
- A warning siren may sound.
- Seawater may recede quickly.
- The ground may shake, indicating an earthquake has occurred.
- Your NOAA Tone Alert radio issues a warning that a tsunami may be headed to your area.
- Sign up for free Email and Text Mesage Tsunami Alerts from the West Coast Tsunami Warning Center
- Register your phone numbers with Pacific County to receive a call from the Pacific County Emergency Notification System by visiting Hyper-reach - Pacific County, WA. Hyper-Reach will automatically call all landline numbers for Community and Severe Weather Alerts (including Tsunami Warnings), but will only call landlines for Weather Alerts if you sign them up. You need to sign up for any cell number.
Tsunami Evacuation
Are you tsunami ready? This video provides tips for being ready when tsunamis strike on the Washington coast:
Where do I evacuate?
- Go to an area 50 feet above sea level, if possible.
- If you don't have time to travel to high ground, but are in a multi-story building, go to an upper level of the home or building.
- If you are on the beach and unable to get to high ground, go inland as far as you can.
- Go on foot if possible, particularly if an earthquake has caused damage to roads, power lines, and resulted in significant debris.
- Do not return to shore after the first wave – tsunamis usually occur as a series of waves. Wait until the official tsunami warning or alert has been lifted. .
- Never go to the coast to watch a tsunami. Tsunamis move faster than a person can run.
Evacuation signs and what they mean:
Tsunami evacuation routes were developed to assist coastal residents and visitors find safer locations in case of an earthquake and tsunami.
Evacuation signs have been placed along roadways to indicate the direction inland or to higher ground. In some places, there may be more than one direction available to reach safer areas.
These routes may be marked with several signs showing additional options for evacuation.
Preparation and planning
- Find out if your home, place of work and other locations you frequent are within the tsunami inundation zone. These are the areas deemed vulnerable to flooding in the event of a tsunami. Go to the WA State Tsunami Hazard website to find evacuation maps that include sites you and your family frequent..
- Know your route to safety. Tsunami maps show evacuation routes away from areas subject to possibly inundation, as well as designated assembly areas out of the flood zones.
- Have a three-day disaster kit ready.
During a distant source tsunami event, Pacific County Emergency Management officials may recommend that residents evacuate by one or more of several methods. The Pacific County Emergency Notification Network is a telephonic warning system that will dial county residents through the public switched telephone network. A recorded message will provide residents the information pertinent to the event. In addition, a message will be broadcast over NOAA weather radio. Pacific County fire departments and districts will also be dispatched to broadcast a message via truck mounted PA systems when time allows.
View Pacific County Tsunami evacuation maps by clicking below:
- Bay Center
- Long Beach & Ilwaco
- North Cove and Tokeland
- Ocean Park
- Raymond - South Bend
- WA State Tsunami Hazard website
10/11/2019 - View the new Tsunami Evacuation Walk maps by clicking below:
Long Beach & Seaview - Tsunami Evacuation Walk Times - For Screen PDF
Long Beach & Seaview - Tsunami Evacuation Walk Times - For Print PDF
Long Beach & Seaview - Tsunami Evacuation Walk Times - Image JPG
Ilwaco & Cape Disappointment - Tsunami Evacuation Walk Times - For Screen PDF
Ilwaco & Cape Disappointment - Tsunami Evacuation Walk Times - For Print PDF
Ilwaco & Cape Disappointment - Tsunami Evacuation Walk Times - Image JPG
Seaview WA, Tsunami Siren Test AHAB on Sept 21, 2011 by Nansen Pihlaja Malin:
Ocean Park WA, Tsunami Siren Test AHAB on Sept 21, 2011 by Jackie Sheldon:
Tsunami Preparedness
Live on the Coast? Is your community TsunamiRead? Visit the TsunamiReady site!
Tsunami History
Evidence of past Tsunamis on the Washington Coast:
Tsunami evidence in tidal land on Washington Coast:
Exploring the evidence of past Subduction Zone Earthquake caused Tsunamis on the Pacific Coast. This was a public walking tour on April 14, 2012 at the river bank of the Naiwaikum River led by Brian Atwater a USGS geologist and arranged by the Pacific County Emergency Management Agency (PCEMA). The different color sands on the riverbank are evidence of the sudden land drop and tsunami after a subduction zone earthquake in year 1700. If you dig deeper you can see evidence of other buried soils that indicate older past land level change/tsunami events, the oldest found here was from year 400. This evidence has been corroborated with study of growth rings in local trees.
Geologists have found the stumps of Sitka spruce and red cedar that were poisoned when the land sank and seawater invaded ground that was formerly above the high tide level. Study of growth rings in the killed trees show that they grew their final layer of wood during the year 1700 quake. Videos by Mike Challis 642weather.com